I like to scrapbook our family's pictures chronologically, and I was just about to work on a layout for a camping trip that involved a lot of beach days when this paper arrived in the mail. It felt like a sign, so I immediately got to work. I used a layout template from the old Close To My Heart pattern book called Imagine. It called for more pictures than I had to use, but since I loved the paper so much, I decided to let the paper and embellishments take the place of some of the pictures.
The white and blue water print (with the anchor sticker) on the left page and the journaling spot on the right page were actually supposed to be 3.5" x 4" pictures. The journaling was supposed to be on strips of paper coming down the left side of the right page. However, I just replaced one picture spot with my journaling box since those journaling strips would've covered up too much of the beautiful paper (and I was short on pictures anyway).
This double-page layout came together very quickly, and I give all of the credit to the awesome stickers! I really didn't have to do much to make these pages special; the stickers and the paper did all of the work for me. Overall, I was swept away by a tide of love for this paper packet and its matching sticker sheet (yes, that's another teacher joke)!
This paper packet taught me a lesson, and that is to take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself; if you're lucky, you might get second chances, but that's not a guarantee. I did get really lucky that this paper collection was still available, even though it's from the previous catalog. It's always a good idea to Seas the Day!
If you love what you see, please consider clicking on the links for the paper packet or shopping with me at jessicadipzinski.closetomyheart.com. Thank you for creating with me!
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